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JCS Journal for the Week of January 19th

Posted Date: 1/19/25 (2:46 PM)

JCS Sea Turtle
JCS Journal
Week of January 19th
Hello JCS families,

Like everyone in Norton, we share deep sadness about the sudden passing of the young student from the L.G. Nourse School on Friday. Our thoughts are with the students’ family and with the entire L.G. Nourse School community during this difficult time. While all of the details have not been released, it’s our understanding that the student attended the Little Lancers program at JCS. We ask that everyone also keep the Little Lancers staff in your thoughts as they are also grieving and need our support.
MLK and family
NO SCHOOL, Monday, 1/20 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
There is no school on Monday, 1/20 to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Little Lancer
Enrollment in the Little Lancers Preschool Program for the 2025-26 School Year
The enrollment process has started for the Little Lancers Preschool program for the 2025-2026 school year! Program options available include:
  • HALF day AM and PM programs for 3-year old and 4-year old students
  • FULL day program option for 4-year old students

Interest Applications for Community Peer students are now available online and in-person at the J.C. Solmonese Elementary School. The Little Lancers Preschool program is located at Joseph C. Solmonese School at 315 West Main Street in Norton, MA. Community Peer students must reside in Norton, MA, need to be age 3 or 4 by August 31, 2020, and must be toilet trained.

Please call Maria Blackburn, Early Childhood Coordinator for information at: (508) 285-0120 or email at

Check our website for further information and to download the application packet,

ice cream
Changes to Weekly Ice Cream on Thursday
We were notified this week that the district Wellness Committee would like to test a change to the district-wide weekly school lunch ice cream program. The district is not going to serve ice cream on weeks where there is a scheduled early release day. For example, we have our next Early Release day schedule for Friday, 1/31, so the district would not serve ice cream that week. That would mean ice cream would not be served at JCS on Thursday, 1/30. We will try to remind students during these weeks.
Capron Park Zoo February Vacation Programs
The Capron Park Zoo is offering a variety of programs during February Vacation week that students and families might enjoy. Please download the flyer for all of the details,
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NO SCHOOL (Martin Luther King Day), Monday 1/20

EARLY RELEASE, Friday 1/31 at 12:30pm

SPO Meeting, Thursday 2/6 at 6:00pm
MLK Quote
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