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JCS Journal for the Week of March 2nd

Posted Date: 3/02/25 (2:00 PM)

JCS Sea Turtle
JCS Journal
Week of March 2nd
Hello JCS families,

It’s the first week of March and we’re looking forward to the weather gradually starting to get a little warmer. We know how important it is for our students to be able to get outside for recess each day whenever the weather cooperates. We will also be setting our clocks forward 1-hour NEXT weekend on Sunday, March 9th to get us ready for the beginning of Spring later in the month.
Read Across America Week!
This week is Read Across America Week! We have some fun activities and themes planned for each day this week. ​Here are the ​overall activities and themes for each day next week. You may have also received additional details from your child's teacher about specific things they are doing in the classroom.
  • Monday, March 3rd is PJ Day and Bring a Book and a Flashlight Day
  • Tuesday, March 4th is Dress as Your Favorite Book Character Day. We will also have guest readers from Norton High School!
  • Wednesday, March 5th is "Wacky Wednesday". Students can wear mismatched clothes, come in with crazy hair, fun socks, etc.
  • Thursday, March 6th is Norton Purple/JCS Sea Turtle Gear Day. Students are invited to wear something purple or wear JCS Sea Turtle gear
  • Friday, March 7th is Author's Day. Students will be reading stories they have written to others in their classroom or the school.
reading a book
Read Across America week
Monthly Trait, Honesty
​This month’s focus is Honesty. One way to think about Honesty is “being truthful in what you say and do.” Practicing Honesty helps strengthen our relationships and even reduces stress.

Honesty is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Well. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like emotion regulation, positive self-talk, and stress-management.

Please see attached a school-wide Family Newsletter, as well as newsletters for each specific grade level.

Honesty trait
SPO Meeting on Thursday, 3/6
The Solmonese Parent Organization (SPO) is holding a monthly meeting on Thursday, 3/6 at 6PM at J.C. Solmonese School in the 2nd floor Library/Media Center. All parents, guardians, caregivers, teachers, and staff are welcome to attend! Our friends at Champions will be offering childcare for any parents that would like to attend, but also need to bring their child.

We encourage parents/guardians to attend SPO meetings in-person, but we also understand that's not an option for everyone. We will also be streaming the meeting live on Google Meet via the link below.

Google Meet joining info
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 318-702-0076‬ PIN: ‪732 152 642‬#
​NPS Strategic Planning- Family Input Needed!
Dr. O’Neill shared prior to the February Break that our district is developing a new Strategic Plan to guide the future of our schools. Similar to our current Vision 2026, the final plan will serve as a blueprint for all initiatives, priorities, and budgeting over the next three years. Most importantly, this plan will continue to strive to bring a bold vision about learning in a modern context and giving our students what they really need to be successful in an ever-changing world. 

We strongly believe that family and community involvement is key to building a vision that reflects the needs of all students. We will be looking for the voices of all stakeholders- staff, students, parents, administrators, and community members- to contribute to this important process through focus groups, survey feedback, and/or serving on the Strategic Planning Committee.

Please take a few moments to share what you believe Norton Public Schools is doing well and what we can improve on as we begin this process. Tell us your hopes and dreams for your students and how we as a school community can develop a plan that will provide a quality educational experience. As part of this survey, you can also sign up to be a part of an upcoming focus group or to be a part of the Strategic Planning Committee. This survey will be open through Sunday, March 2nd. 

Knight Club NHS Music Fundraiser
You’re invited to attend an evening of music featuring local musicians including Norton students and staff. Mr. Place's band, Four Bridges, will be performing a set during the night! The Norton music parents are hosting a Knight Club fundraiser on Friday, 3/7 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm in the Norton High School Cafe at 66 W Main Street. Tickets to the event are $20 and include hors d'oeuvres and refreshments. Please see the linked flyer for more information,
music notes
Norton Student STEAM Showcase
Norton High School will be hosting a Student STEAM Showcase on Wednesday, 3/5 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. There will be activities and exhibits for students of all ages, as well as Norton Middle and High School students showing off their own work! See this slideshow for more information,
STEAM education
STEAM showcase
Upcoming Dates and Events
View and subscribe to the JCS Public Events Calendar at Click on the "Add to Google Calendar" button in the lower right corner to subscribe to the calendar using your own calendar app. Events from the JCS Public Events Calendar also appear on the JCS website.

Reading Across America Week, 3/3 through 3/7

SPO Meeting, Thursday 3/6 at 6:00pm

Early Release Day, Friday 3/14

Trimester 2 Report Cards, Monday 3/17

Parent-Teacher Conferences, Wednesday 3/19 and Thursday 3/20

Early Release Day/Conferences, Thursday 3/20
learning to code
learning to code
learning to code
JCS Website