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Superintendent's Newsletter 3.7.2025

Posted Date: 3/07/25 (7:45 PM)


Family Newsletter   |  March 7, 2025
Dr. Jennifer O'Neill

Superintendent’s Message -  FY26 Budget

Budget season is upon us, and I know many of you are wondering what this year will bring after our devastating cuts last year. At this time, I am advocating for a level-service budget for the 2025-2026 school year. A level service budget allows us to retain the same levels of teaching and learning for all students in the upcoming school year. A level service budget is a financial increase from the previous year in order to maintain all programs.

For Norton Public Schools, a level-service budget will be an increase of 4.96% or an increase of $1,762,630. Tomorrow, Saturday March 8th at 9am in the HAY Library, we will host our annual budget workshop with the School Committee. At this time, the NPS administrative team and the Norton School Committee go through the budget being proposed and engage in conversations about priorities. This is a public meeting and is open to anyone in the community. Additionally, on Wednesday, March 12th we will hold a public budget forum during our regular meeting. Again, this is an opportunity for community members to come together, hear about the budget, and to ask any questions that they may have. Please consider joining us at one of these events. 


Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration will open March 10th for the 2025-2026 school year for children who will be five years old on or before August 31, 2025. All students who are entering Kindergarten must register, including those already enrolled in our Little Lancers Preschool program. All materials are due by March 24, 2025.

Families of incoming kindergarten students will submit registration information through our registration portal in PowerSchool. A separate form must be completed for each child. Once the pre-registration form has been submitted, it will be sent to a staff member for approval, and families will then receive an email with instructions to complete the registration process.

JCS and LGN will each host orientations for new Kindergarten parents/guardians on March 10th at 6:30 pm. Additional information including required documents for registration and links to the orientations is available on our website under Student Registration in the Families tab.


A friendly reminder to all families that it is now possible to text to 911 in the case of an emergency. Texting should only be used during an emergency when you are unable to make a voice call to 911.  Making a voice call is the most efficient way to get access to emergency services.

How Do I Reach Text-to-911?  When using a texting app on a device, type the numbers “911” into the “To” or “Recipient” field. 

What Information Should I Give Text-to-911? You should make every effort to text the following: location including the address/location and town name; what is happening (nature of the incident); any additional details about the location you can provide such as landmarks, cross streets, nearby business names, apartment number, floor, room or suite numbers, or any details that may be helpful in locating you.

Silent Call Procedure: Once you've dialed 911 and an operator has answered, if you are unable to speak for any reason, you can press:

  • 1 if you need police

  • 2 if you need fire services

  • 3 if you need an ambulance

  • If you're asked a question during the call, you can press:

  • 4 to respond yes

  • 5 to respond no


March 8th

School Committee Budget Workshop

March 12th

School Committee Meeting

March 14th

Districtwide Early Release/Professional Development
Norton Middle School Term II Marks Close

March 17th

Elementary Term II Report Cards

March 21st

Norton Middle School Term II Report Cards

March 26th

School Committee Meeting

April 4th

Norton High School Term III Marks Close

April 11th

Norton High School Term III Report Cards

April 16th

School Committee Meeting

April 18th

Districtwide Early Release/Professional Development

April 21st - 25th

April Break - Schools Closed

Virtual Backpack

The Knight Club Music Fundraiser
Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society Pizza Tyme Fundraiser
Capron Park Zoo Fun Run
Brockton Symphony Orchestra - American Discoveries
Womens Over 25 Pick Up Basketball
Men's Over 30 Basketball League
NFL Youth Football Camp
Capron Park Zoo Summer Outdoor Adventures
Camp Ramsbottom Registration
Summer Science Academy
Attleboro Arts Museum Summer Art Weeks & Classes
College Gate/College Academy Summer S.T.E.M. Programs
To submit a flyer to the Virtual Backpack, please contact Pam Anderson at